January 16, 2010 | Divorce, Legal Fees, Legal Perspective, Tax Issues
This time each year, divorce lawyers everywhere face the same question from clients: are my legal fees are tax-deductible?
January 16, 2010 | Divorce, Legal Fees, Legal Perspective, Tax Issues
This time each year, divorce lawyers everywhere face the same question from clients: are my legal fees are tax-deductible?
August 18, 2009 | Child Support, Court Decisions, Legal Fees, Legal Perspective
In Krebs v. Krebs, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania considered whether to award legal fees to a parent who won modification of child support.
February 18, 2009 | Court Decisions, Divorce, Legal Fees, Legal Perspective
An interesting, andĀ perhaps unanswered, question which may arise in a child support modification proceeding is, “Can the court award legal fees to the prevailing party?” Since 1997, there has been statutory authority for awarding legal fees in a child support case. Previously, no statutory authority existed. 23 Pa.C.S. 4351 authorizes an award of legal fees where “an obligee prevails in a proceeding to establish paternity or to obtain a support […]