Pollock Begg Komar Glasser Attorney Participates in Backpack Program

July 22, 2011 | Press Releases

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PITTSBURGH — Angel L. Revelant, an associate attorney at Pollock Begg Komar Glasser LLC, recently participated in the Allegheny County Bar Association’s Backpack Program. This program provided new backpacks filled with school supplies, including notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, and other necessary items to 1,500 Allegheny County students. The Backpack Program, which is coordinated by the bar association’s Public Service Committee, is in its fifth year of operation. This year, more than 30 corporate sponsors will help fund the project. Revelant assisted the committee in planning the event as well as coordinated the volunteers. Approximately 100 attorneys, staff and family members volunteered for staging, packing and distributing the backpacks. Read more about this year’s activity on the Allegheny County Bar Association website.

About Pollock Begg Komar Glasser LLC
Founded in 2001, Pollock Begg Komar Glasser LLC is a family law practice located in Downtown Pittsburgh. With 14 attorneys, Pollock Begg is the largest firm dedicated solely to family law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For more information, visit www.pollockbegg.com.



Susan Paff
Ideality Communications LLC
(724) 513-0316

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