Pittsburgh Family Law Attorney Joseph Williams Moderates Pennsylvania Bar Institute Seminar
September 19, 2016 | Community
Pittsburgh family law attorney Joseph R. Williams continues the tradition of community leadership at divorce law firm Pollock Begg Komar Glasser & Vertz LLC. Joe, a partner at our downtown-based firm, is moderating the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s continuing legal education seminar on September 22, 2016.
Evolving Support Cases: Deductions, Add-Backs, Deviations will focus on income, discovery, tax returns, earning capacity and net income as related to support. A naturally charismatic speaker and active force on the legal scene, Joe is frequently recruited for lectures, panels and publications. Learn more about Joe’s diverse family law practice and Pittsburgh community involvement by visiting his bio page.
If you have any questions about how tax returns and income may impact your divorce or child support case, feel free to call our offices today at (412) 471-9000 to speak with one of our experienced family law attorneys or use our online contact form.