January is Divorce Month….hmmm
December 31, 2008 | Family Law News, Legal Perspective
From an article called, “January 12 is D-Day for Divorce” by Emily McCombs
Tis the season to be jolly! But did you know that it’s immediately followed by the season to ditch that spouse who’s been weighing you down through the last month of eggnog and holiday parties? Lawyers in the U.K. estimate more couples will decide to divorce on January 12th this year than any other day. While January is always a popular month for splitting couples, this year experts expect that the recession will have led many unhappy unions to stick it out through one more Christmas of shared finances before calling it quits, which they’ll do the Monday after their children return to school. Says U.K. lawyer Shelley Hesford, “We get more calls in the first few days of New Year from couples wanting to separate or divorce than any other time of the year – and the reasons behind divorce are often, though not always, based on money problems having pushed a relationship to breaking point.”We can’t help but wonder if the previous few weeks spent stuck in close proximity with your spouse’s annoying in-laws might also have something to do with it. Either way, if your New Year’s resolution is to lose some weight in the approximate poundage of your unwanted partner, you might want to give your lawyer a heads-up before he gets too overloaded.